External Funding
The centre has been involved in many external funding applications and has been quite successful in attracting a lot of funding from both private and public funding agencies. The following are the successful funding applications, where the researchers from the centre have been either a principal investigator (PI) or co-principal investigator (co-PI).
- Cybersecurity for Young Community, Industriens Fond, 1.780.788 DKK (PI, 2020-2023)
- Advanced Blockchain for Danish Design (ABCD): Industriens Fond: (co-PI, 2019-2022, 7,900,000 DKK)
- Machine learning based alternative credit rating for unbanked savings groups from Uddannelses-og Forskningsministeriet (PI, 2019-2020, 161,000 DKK).
- Social Media & Society, Carlsberg Foundation, (PI, 2018, 65,000 DKK)
- Online Review Analytics: Jabra (PI, 2017-2018, 100,000 DKK)
- Big Social Data Analytics for Public Health: Copenhagen Health Innovation: ReVUS (PI, 2016-2018, 3,042,000 DKK)
- Big Social Data Analytics for Business: Industriens Fond: Big Data Tema (PI, 2015-2018, 6,200,000 DKK)
- Rio Til Roskilde: Big Data Analytics project for Roskilde Festival w/IBM (PI, 2015-2017, 150.000 DKK)
- Networked Business Institute: Public-Private Partnership (PI, 2014-2017, 3,363,837 DKK)
- Novel Augmented Reality Services in Media: Nordic Innovation (Co-PI, 2012-2013, CBS: 140,000 / 1,501,500 NOK)
- International Networking Grants: Danish Ministry of Science (PI, 2010-2012, 1,080,000 DKK)
- NEXT-TELL: EU FP7 Large-Scale Integrating Project (Co-PI, 2010-2014, CBS: 589,954 / 8,176,135 EUR)
- CBS Building Usage Analytics Project (PI, 2016-2017, 250.000 DKK)
- Classrooms of the 21st Century: CBS Teach (PI, 2010-2011, 500.000 DKK)